Tools and Resources

Find study, organisation and productivity tools and resources here. Some of these are external links to organisations and businesses, others are downloadable resources.

Think of this as an insight into our toolkit, these are tools and resources that we personally have found useful or would like to share. All affiliations and monetary gain will be declare honestly. We hope that we can help you along your journey. We would love to connect with you over on Instagram, so if you are on socials, connect with us at and

M and K

  1. PhDland 2023 Goals
  2. ORCid

PhDland 2023 Goals

Keeping your goals in sight may just help you keep the grind going. Below is a fillable PDF to display your goals. Type, write, draw- the choice is yours!

Happy studying!

M and K


One of the things to think about before you even publish is cataloguing all your works. ORCid stands for Open Researcher and Contribution ID. It’s a not-for-profit organisation providing researchers a unique identifier and record. Creating one before you being your research journey can be useful. Think of it like a digital bookshelf, ready to hold all the amazing work you will do. Sign up today (link will take you to ORCid site in a new tab).

N.B. We are not affiliated nor receive monies or other incentives for recommending this.

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